Modeller's Photographic Reference

This website is dedicated to those, like myself, who have a strong interest in modelling the RhB but are not close enough for regular visits. It is hoped that the detailed photographs of the various stations with their respective yards will inspire modellers to producing a high level of reasonably accurate modules and/or layouts, space permitting of course. Do not be disappointed when not finding a host of lovely scenic photographs, the likes of which abound on numerous other websites. The purpose and intent are to provide sufficient detail for the modeller to produce scale replicas of buildings and structures, no matter what scale.

The photographs are from my own collection here in South Africa, as well as that of Richard Forbes Jackson in the UK. Richard has been fortunate in making 28 trips to Graubunden over a period of some 17 years and has a wealth of knowledge and photos which he has graciously agreed to share. We have both had the pleasure of enjoying the hospitality of Reto and Anna Uffer from the Grishuna Hotel in Filisur, highly recommended as an ideal base for exploring the RhB network.

This website is by no means limited to our photographs only – anyone out there who feels inclined to contribute will be more than welcome, and all your photographs will carry the necessary accreditation and copyright.

The website is designed by modellers for modellers, and suggestions and contributions from all interested parties will be gratefully considered.

October 2019: Since having made the website known to the RhB Grischun forum, a member by the name of Glenn Allen has very kindly made his collection available for our use. Glenn apparently started his visits to Graubunden as far back as 1986 and has amassed a collection in excess of 20,000 photographs. His collection is proving invaluable in filling gaps that have developed whilst constructing the website and the detail of his photos will be appreciated by active modellers out there. A most sincere and heartfelt vote of thanks to Glenn for his kindness and generosity.

Enjoy the website!